Posts by Category



course ml

Cluj ml enthusiasts

11 minute read

My last post received quite some responses, but before actually settling on the curricula of the upcoming ML course, I’ve decided to “eat my own lunch” and u...

Cluj Napoca machine learning course

less than 1 minute read

As I’ve said in my last talk at Cluj.AI (the one about Building a recommender system I’m putting together a local course about machine learning.

machine translation


Scikit Learn

11 minute read

Today we will be talking about predicting house prices using Scikit-learn


Teacher forcing

3 minute read

Training an RNN with teacher forcing. 20200608182759

On cross entropy

15 minute read

Cross entropy can be used to define a loss function in machine learning and is usually used when training a classification problem.

Scikit Learn

11 minute read

Today we will be talking about predicting house prices using Scikit-learn
